Petition started after Aniah Blanchard’s disappearance for violent offenders to not have bond

by | Nov 12, 2019 | Firm News, In The Media

AUBURN, Ala. (WTVM) – After Aniah Blanchard’s disappearance, a petition is circulating that, in part, calls for violent offenders to not have an option to bond out and to remain in custody until a verdict is reached.

The petition is now reaching tens of thousands of signatures.

Auburn police believe 30-year-old Ibraheem Yazeed took the teen against her will from a convenience store October 23. Yazeed now sits in the Lee County jail with no bond on kidnapping charges.

Prior to his current arrest, Yazeed was out on bond for other charges, including attempted murder.

Much of the community is outraged that someone with violent crime charges was out of jail.

“He should not have been walking free,” said Clinton Lothrop, a man who signed the petition.

Now, a petition is circulating that calls to prevent this from happening in the future.