A separation may allow both spouses to regain perspective

On Behalf of | Nov 11, 2021 | Family Law

You and your spouse may feel your relationship slipping into a rut. You may have begun disagreeing with each other more often. Your love and respect for your partner are still there, but you just need some time to reevaluate your relationship.

Taking the time and care to put your separation terms in writing may protect you, your spouse and your children.

You need some time to think things through—alone

You and your spouse may decide that it is finally time to live separately for a little while. As you discussed your decision, you may have expressed your love for each other.

Deciding to separate may not be easy. But you know that if you are going to bring the communication and ardor back to your relationship, some time and physical space may help. Remember to put your separation terms in writing. Learning why this is necessary may allow you to make your marriage stronger.

Put your separation terms in writing

This document may serve as a reminder of what your goals are for your relationship. Your family and friends may want you to meet other people, thinking that you plan to divorce.

One of the terms you may have written down could be to remember why you decided to marry. Other terms may cover “family time,” with your spouse spending time with your children.  Another term may spell out the length of your separation.

Do not forget to communicate regularly with your spouse

Reaching your goal of making your marriage stronger means you and your spouse will have to communicate regularly with each other. While your initial physical separation may have been frightening, you may have found that the reality is not all bad.

Remember your goal in your separation. Make sure your expectations are reasonable and understandable.