Under Title IX, educational institutions enforce a student code of conduct to reduce sexual assault and harassment. Title IX protects people of any gender or sexual orientation from violence because of who they are. However, there are many times students believe their actions follow policies when they may be violating them.
Because of this, many myths spread about what is and isn’t sexual violence. The best way to avoid trouble may be debunking what you believe to be right. Here’s what you should know:
Myth #1: Sexual harassment only happens during sex
Truth: Sexual harassment can look like more than just sex. It can be verbal gestures or jokes about sexual acts. There may be unwelcome advances or inappropriate touching. Some people may even talk about inappropriate fantasies.
Myth #2: Men can’t be sexually assaulted
Truth: Anyone of any sexual orientation or gender identity can be sexually assaulted, that includes men. Just because a guy may be bigger and stronger, that doesn’t mean they can’t be sexually harassed or assaulted. Sexual assault can be especially prevalent in the LGBT+ community with nearly one in six men reporting being sexually assaulted.
Myth #3: People don’t lie about sexual assault
Truth: Some people are falsely accused of violating sexual assault policies. Because of this, a student’s reputation and their permanent record may be tarnished, costing them higher education and student loans.
If you’ve been accused of sexual assault, you may need to reach out for legal help when building your defense.