Child custody arrangements sometimes need to change as circumstances evolve. In Alabama, modifying a custody order requires following specific legal steps to ensure the new arrangement meets the child's best interests. Understanding the process can help parents...
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Child Custody
What are the best times to modify an Alabama custody order?
The custody order and parenting plan Alabama co-parents have in place may detail which parent takes the kids to the doctor and who gets to spend Christmas with them next year. The terms of a custody order and a parenting plan influence everything from income tax...
What sort of factors are part of a child’s “best interests” in a custody case?
When you ask the court how they decide what to do about child custody, they’ll assure you that the goal is to focus on the child’s best interests. The needs and desires of the parents come second. The kids are what matter most. But how do the courts actually decide...
Should you offer your ex the “right of first refusal” with the kids?
It happens all too frequently in custody cases: One spouse is dissatisfied with their reduced time spent with the children. They may grouse about it openly or nurse a silent grudge, but their discontent is obvious. What can, or should, you do? You certainly don’t want...
What if your ex has a new significant other when you co-parent after divorce?
Navigating new romantic relationships after a divorce, especially if you have kids and are co-parenting, isn’t easy. There are all kinds of unfamiliar situations and pitfalls that must be considered and diplomatically handled. It might be difficult for you to accept...
What happens if my ex-spouse takes the kids to a different state?
If your ex-spouse won custody of your children, and they move to a different state, you might be nervous about a few things. Can they bring up your spousal support or child support order in a court in their new state and get it increased? Can they get a new court to...
How does a job loss or job change impact my obligation to pay child support?
Job loss is always a possibility but as COVID-19 has taken a toll on our economy, thousands of people are finding themselves on the unemployment line, suddenly and unexpectedly. Many of those that have managed to keep their jobs during the pandemic are finding their...
Custody and school issues
Picking out new school clothes and school supplies, meeting new teachers, and adjusting schedules can make getting the kids back to school stressful for any family, but for divorced parents, this time can be even more stressful as custody issues can often impact...