Take Control Of Your Future If Accused Of A Sex Crime

Last updated on June 23, 2022

A sex offense is one of the most life-damaging accusations one can face. Whether someone has accused you of a sex crime or the state has already formally charged you, you must take quick action to defend your rights. Do not leave your future to chance; work with a lawyer who can take control.

At Agricola Law, LLC, we offer the strong criminal defense that you need. We defend clients in Alabama and Georgia, and we understand the many nuances of these states’ sex crime laws.

Our attorneys handle a spectrum of offenses, including:

We have helped hundreds of clients avoid criminal charges, get their charges dropped and receive acquittals. Our team can also seek reduced penalties and alternative sentencing such as rehabilitation. With [Agricola Law, on your side, you can rest assured that you will have a fighting chance against your sex charge.

What To Know About The Sex Offender Registry

One common penalty for a sex crime conviction is registration as a sex offender. Every state has a sex offender registry, and Alabama and Georgia are no exceptions. The stigma of being labeled a sex offender is shameful enough. You may not know that landing on the sex offender registry can also severely limit your work prospects and housing options.

We cannot overemphasize the importance of avoiding landing on the sex offender registry. To this end, we will do everything in our power to keep you off this potentially life-damaging list.

Get Help And Take Back Control

When you need a knowledgeable legal team, we are here for you. Having handled many sex crime cases, we can craft a strong defense strategy for you. To schedule an initial consultation with an attorney, please contact us at 334-610-1064 or send us an email.